Minni on tulossa Isolle Kirkolle
Ei kaikki venäläiset ole mulkkuja
Ei kaikki venäläiset ole mulkkuja
Ei kaikki. Silti tuo on aika pieni määrä väkilukuun suhteuttuna.
On posiitiivista, ettei kaikki ei voi eikä halua olla Kindereitä; vähä-älysiä juoppoja ja Putinin trolleja.
Minni on tulossa Isolle Kirkolle👍
Ei kaikki venäläiset ole mulkkujaEi kaikki. Silti tuo on aika pieni määrä väkilukuun suhteuttuna.
If you don't like something in Finland, you go to a strike or the protest. Then you go home, back to your family, drink coffee and watch TV. In the best case, your protest makes some things change. In the worst, it doesn't.
If you don't like something in Russia, you go to a protest. You get arrested (and often beaten up badly in the process), tortured by the police, thrown to jail. In jail, your human rights are nearly non-existent. I spare you the details. For organizing or participating in protests you can sometimes get heavier jail sentence than for murder or rape. Even better, if you make it to the "extremist" category (which is fairly easy actually) - you are officially a state enemy. You aren't really a human to the state anymore.
My point is - do not get an impression that Russians sit quietly and approve dictator's actions while their neighbor is being slaughtered. Right now the nation does not have power. Dictator has. Most of the nation struggles with survival, being in the state of poverty. Those who dare to oppose those in power, disappear under mysterious (or not so) circumstances.
That said, I am not asking for sympathy. After all, it's not my home or my family who's being under attack right now, forced to sleep in a subway. And all above said does not justify or try to justify the aggression. All I'm trying to do is explain that NOBODY in their right mind supports this war.
ja kahden Putin nuoren: jurzantaa ja Kinderin vastamielen osoitus Venäjän suurlähetystön sisätiloissa suuren idolinsa Putinin puolesta.